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Delivering the christmas food / Jõulutoidu toimetamine peredesse

December 28th, 2010

Delivering the christmas food

[Eestikeelne tekst allpool / text in Estonian below]

The members of an Tartu Salemi church in Estonia had made a donation for wefoco, indicating that about 1/3 of it should be used for buying the food for chirstmas for the families in the worst situation in Shianda. The supported families were chosen by the leaders/chair ladies of the women groups during the scheduled meeting of WEFOCO, where the representers of every area suggested the 2 most needy families from their area and in the end 13 most needy families were chosen to receive a small Christmas present.

Chosen families and their areas
1.Jane Otiengo – Bulechia
2.Elisabeth Makokha – Bulechia
3.Mary Makari – Khaunga
4.Josephine Adhambo – Khaunga
5.Eunice Amakobe – Bumini
6.Florence Iminza – Khunyiri
7.Ayako family – Esukura
8.Wesamba family – Esukura
9.Charles Masoso – Munganga
10.Nanjira family – Munganga
11.Gladys Wakhu – Khunyiri
12.Agneta Shiro – Shitoto
13.Wycliff Akuche – Shitoto

Food was delivered by Janika and Amina (Kenyan volunteer) with the help of the chair ladies of each area and by several short term helpers, for example Linda and Danel from Estonia. To reduce the delivery cost, we made a lot of logistical arrangements, often carried the bags ourselves, asked help from the local people and Amina used her personal motorbike, covering the cost of fuel herself, thank you Amina!

We distributed food during two days, 23th and 24th of December and took the packages personally to each family to ensure that they would definitely reach to the right families.

The Christmas package included following:

Rice 5 kg – 65 sh x 5 = 315 sh;
Chapati cooking flower 3 kg – 60 sh x 3 = 180 sh
Oil 3 liters = 470 sh
Salt 1 kg = 25 sh
Sugar 1 kg = 90 sh
Vegetables – potatoes, onions, cabbage = 100 sh
Tea 100 gr = 60 sh
Water-guard = 30 sh
Candies = 10 sh

Total = 1280 sh

13 families = 1280 x 13 = 16640 sh
Transport of the food = 800 sh
All total = 17440 sh

As food was bought from several small and local shops to promote the small businesses of local people, the prices given are estimated average prices, some items were little bit cheaper or expensive in different shops, though the price difference is usually about 5 shillings per item.
Some few families were not delivered water-guard and candies because some local shops did not have water-guard or in the previous families there were more children around, all wanting to have a candy, so they were all given out. All other items were delivered without any exceptions. The water-guard for the given value will be still bought and distributed to the needy families in the future.

You can find photos here.
Jõulutoidu toimetamine peredesse

Tartu Salemi kiriku liikmed Eestist annetasid Wefoco peredele raha, soovides, et umbes 1/3 sellest kasutataks jõulutoidu ostmiseks kõige halvemas seisus olevatele Shianda peredele. Toetatavad pered valiti välja naistegruppide juhtide poolt iganädalasel WEFOCO koosolekul. Iga piirkonna esindajad soovitasid kaks enim abi vajavat pere ning lõpptulemusena valiti välja 13 pere, kes said väikese jõulukingituse.

Väljavalitud pered ning nende piirkonnad

1.Jane Otiengo – Bulechia
2.Elisabeth Makokha – Bulechia
3.Mary Makari – Khaunga
4.Josephine Adhambo – Khaunga
5.Eunice Amakobe – Bumini
6.Florence Iminza – Khunyiri
7.Ayako family – Esukura
8.Wesamba family – Esukura
9.Charles Masoso – Munganga
10.Nanjira family – Munganga
11.Gladys Wakhu – Khunyiri
12.Agneta Shiro – Shitoto
13.Wycliff Akuche – Shitoto

Toidu viisid kohale Janika ja Amina (Keenia vabatahtlik), keda aitasid kohalike naistegruppide juhid ning mitmed lühiajalised vabatahtlikud, näiteks Linda ja Danel Eestist. Selleks, et vähendada toidu kohaleviimisekulusid, tegime mitmeid logistilisi korraldusi ning kandsime toitu tihti kas ise või küsisime abi kohalikelt. Amina kasutas enda isiklikku mootorratast, kattes ise kütusekulud, aitäh Amina!

Me jagasime toitu kahe päeva jooksul, 23. ja 24. detsembril ning viisime kõik pakid isiklikult igasse perre, et kindlustada nende sihipärane kohalejõudmine.

Jõulupakk sisaldas järgmist:

Riis 5 kg – 65 sh x 5 = 315 sh;
Chapati küpsetusjahu 3 kg – 60 x 3 = 180 sh
Õli 3 liitrit – 470 sh
Sool 1 kg – 25 sh
Suhkur 1 kg – 90 sh
Aedviljad – kartulid, sibulad, kapsas – 100 sh
Tee 100 gr – 60 sh
Veepuhastusvedelik – 30 sh
Kommid – 10 sh

Kokku = 1280

13 pere = 1280 sh x 13 = 16640 sh
Toidu transport = 800 sh
Kõik kokku = 17440

Kuna me ostsime toidu erinevatest väikestest kohalikest poodidest, et toetada kohalike inimeste väikseid ärisid, siis on antud hinnad hinnangulised keskmised hinnad, mõned toiduained olid erinevates poodides veidi kallimad või odavamad, kuid hinnaerinevus on tavaliselt umbes 5 shillingit.

Üksikud pered ei saanud veepuhastusvedelikku, kuna seda ei müüdud nende piirkonna poodides. Veepuhastusvedelik antud summa eest ostetakse ning jagatakse abivajavatele peredele tulevikus. Samuti ei saanud üksikud pered komme, kuna eelmises peres oli toidujagamise ajal ümber palju lapsi, kes kõik kommi said ning kommid said lihtsalt otsa ning ümbruskonnas ei olnud poodi, et juurde osta.

Vaata pilte siit.

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